Marketing Specialist


Meer weten over de vacature? Neem contact op met Fleur Veltman

Allegion gewährleistet die Sicherheit und den Schutz von Menschen an den Orten, an denen sie leben und arbeiten. Mit mehr als 30 Marken, weltweit, hat sich das Unternehmen auf Sicherheitsprodukte spezialisiert. Das Angebot reicht von Schlössern für Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäude, Türschließern und Ausstiegshilfen, Stahltüren und -rahmen bis hin zu Zugangskontrollen, Systemen zur Steigerung der Mitarbeiterproduktivität sowie Fahrradschlössern und -beleuchtung.

MarCom Specialist

Position objective:

The Senior MarCom Specialist for the DACH region will be fully responsible for all MarCom activities going on for all of our GPS brands in his dedicated region. In close corporation with his MarCom colleagues in other regions, the local sales team and together with the overall responsible MarCom Manager, he/she is responsible for the best possible Marketing and Communication within the regions, for all channels. The Senior MarCom Specialist manages the activities for the OEM in those regions when and where needed, and has a clear overall tactical approach how to maximize sales in the physical AM as well as E-commerce channels in dedicated regions. In this role the Senior MarCom Specialist is the translator of the strategic brand vison and strategy into concrete content, marketing material, promotional campaigns and other actions. The Senior MarCom Specialist is preparing digital content for online availability for our customers, as well as content for the E-commerce channel. Also he/she will support New Product Launches during the year and be the first point of contact for the local press.

The Senior MarCom Specialist is knowledgeable in his/her field of expertise but also has full understanding of our GPS brands, can differentiate the brands from each other and know how to translate that into Marketing and Communication activities. He/she can work easily in a team together but can also run things completely independent when needed. He/ She can coach people and have a pro active attitude in European MarCom discussions and topics. He/ She is flexible, can deal with workload pressure since not a day is the same within this role.

In the DACH region all current brands of GPS have a strong presence in the same channels. Therefore a very good understanding about the brands, the markets and channels is required to support all 3 brands in their growth within this region. Supporting the Brand Manager with the right positioning of the brand by MarCom activities is therefore crucial. For the different brands their might be different targets year over year. In this role the MarCom Specialist is able to recognize the different needs for each brand and is capable in driving and executing the needed activities.


  • Prepare and deliver marketing content,
  • Define Media calendar on a yearly base,
  • Prepare digital content for existing as well new channels,
  • Be the first point of contact for press,
  • Define and execute MarCom calendar  (newsletters, online and offline campaigns, POS materials etc.),
  • Support and coordinate new product launches from marketing point of view (Sales kits, brochures, photos, videos, PowerPoints, packaging, manuals),
  • Own the organization and coordination around shows and events during the year,
  • Keep the website and key service website up to date and first contact for updates, errors, and other support,
  • Responsible for keeping the PIM system up to date with new and existing products and access for our clients
  • Responsible for making all deadlines with external agencies,
  • Support our OEM and AM sales teams to be successful in the market with promotional material and actions when and where needed.

Knowledge / Experience Required:

  • 5+ years experience working with global brands,
  • Demonstrated experience in digital marketing, social and deployment of digital marketing campaigns,
  • Strong understanding of website user interactions and user experience models,
  • Experience managing multi-lingual websites,
  • IT knowledge around E-commerce and PIM systems, experience with online content preparation,
  • Solid understanding of social media platforms and demonstrated expertise utilizing them effectively to grow brand awareness and brand experience,
  • Ability to work with and manage external resources and agency partners,
  • Proven ability to collaborate cross-functionally,
  • Eager to learn, and a flexible attitude,
  • Willingness to build a brand in regions where they might not have a strong presence yet,
  • German  and English language skills a must, Dutch or French is preferred.

Formal Education Requirement:

  • Min. Bachelor degree.

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Marketing Specialist


Fleur Veltman - HR-specialist

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